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CVTA has a number of standing and ad hoc committees that allow our members to share their expertise and opinions on critical issues facing the industry. This dialogue and the work product resulting from this input works to benefit not only our members, but also the entire commercial driver training industry. The following standing committees are focused on a specific segment of CVTA members or are focused on addressing a particular need identified by all members.

  • Associate Member Committee
    Chairman: Mike Fadner (Paramount Capital Group) Co-Chair: Marilyn Surber (Tenstreet) The Associate Member Committee purpose is to represent Associate Members needs and interests, identify relevant topics for webinars, and examine other issues affecting them. They should examine ways to engage CVTA members and help provide articles of interest, digital content, and lend their expertise in their respective field to aid the membership as a whole.
  • Conference Committee
    Chairman: Shawn Davis (Tennessee CDL School) Vice Chair: Bill Collins (Interstate Truck Driving School) The Conference Committee is charged with making recommendations to the CVTA Board of Directors on where CVTA conferences should be held, what the theme of the conference shall be, what speakers the conference should have, and what relevant topics should be covered to inform the membership.
  • Legislative & Regulatory Committee
    Chairman: Danny Bradford (United Truck Driving School) Vice Chair: Jeff Burkhardt (Ancora Education) The Legislative Committee is charged with making recommendations to the Board regarding CVTA’s legislative and regulatory positions, priorities, and recommended course of action on these priorities on the federal, state, and local levels. The committee will aid the in the formation of all policy papers, review and edit CVTA regulatory comments, and help direct CVTA’s grassroots and state affairs programs to support CVTA priorities. Members serving on this committee will also help represent CVTA when and where needed.
  • Marketing & Communications Committee
    Chairman: Cheryl Freauff (TMC Transportation) Co-Chair: Matt Beach (Ten 4 Recruiting) The Membership and Communications Committee is charged with providing assistance to staff to recruit prospective members, and assist in integrating new members into the organization. It also is to provide strategic advice and counsel regarding CVTA’s internal and external communications. The function of the Committee also includes ways to create a positive image of the trucking industry with the general public through press, member stories, and events featuring the industry. Also the goal is to help CVTA identify those products and services that enrich and provide value for CVTA members. The committee identifies and creates programs to better our members training, operations, and to enhance safety. The Committee oversees the operation of the CVTA Instructor Certification Programs (ICP) and is responsible for creating additional content to aid members and students. The CVTA ICP program is the only one in the industry which is specifically designed to train truckers to utilize their professional experience and translate this experience to students by being a quality instructor. Our Instructors are the lifeblood of our schools and are critical in producing a safe, quality next generation of drivers. The committee also continues to identify new programs to augment training and information as need or requested by members.
  • Motor Carrier Committee
    Chairman: Jill Balleh (CDS Tractor Trailer Training ) The Motor Carrier Committee represents motor carriers’ interests as it relates to the promotion of commercial driver training and safety from a carrier’s perspective. Other goals shall include forging relationships with CVTA schools, identifying future driver needs, student employment, and enhancing the awareness of partnerships between commercial driver training schools and motor carriers. The committee will also continue to form relationships with quality carriers, strengthen alliances and services to fulfill driver needs, and enhance awareness of motor carriers during the conferences.
  • Oversight Committee
    Chairman: Tim McLain (Swift Transportation) Vice Chair: Gary Strube (HDS Truck Driving Institute) Oversight Committee (OC) is charged with reviewing all membership applications and review existing members to ensure compliance with the applicable CVTA Code of Conduct. In addition, the committee reviews all written complaints regarding false and/or misleading advertising. It will ascertain the nature and extent of the false or misleading advertising. Working with CVTA staff, the committee will make recommendations on how to resolve any issues. It is the committee’s responsibility to recommend corrective actions to the Association’s Executive Committee and/or Board of Directors.
  • Nominating Committee
    Chairman: John Diab (Smith & Solomon) Vice Chair: Lou Spoonhour The goal of the Nominating Committee is to create awareness within CVTA of opportunities to serve as Board Members and Officers, identify potential candidates, review the level of interest of those individuals in serving, and present them to the Board as potential candidates for service. Candidates should be reviewed for their honesty, integrity, commitment, and involvement within the industry and CVTA. The committee will present a description of the requirements of a Board Member to anyone interested in the position and shall be responsible for conducting all elections.

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